Anura® Enterprise
(Mobile and Web platforms)
Anura® Enterprise

Key Features:
- Runs on most mobile devices and laptops with a camera
- Limited customization
- SaaS subscription model Monthly/Annual
- Quick and contactless
- Usable on tablets, smartphones, computers
- Easily manage and view individual and population health trends, generate custom reports, and more
- Easy to integrate for quick setup time
Anura® Enterprise can measure*:
- Pulse Rate
- Breathing Rate
- Systolic Blood Pressure
- Diastolic Blood Pressure
- Irregular Heart Beat
- Vascular Capacity
- Body Mass Index
- Facial Skin Age
- Waist-to-Height Ratio
- Body Shape Index
Metabolic Risks
- Type 2 Diabetes Risk
- Stroke Risk (10 yr)
- Hypertension Risk
- Hypercholesterolemia Risk
- Hypertriglyceridemia Risk
- Fatty Liver Disease Risk
- Heart Rate Variability
- Cardiac Workload
- Mental Stress Index
- Anxiety and depression questionnaire
General Risks
- Cardiovascular Disease Risk (10 yr)
- Heart Attack Risk (10 yr)
- Stroke Risk (10 yr)
Blood Biomarkers
- Risk of HbA1C Level
- Risk of Fasting Blood Glucose Level